Drighlington Primary School, Moorland Road, Drighlington, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD11 1JY

0113 2853000

Drighlington Primary School

Nurturing, supporting, believing, achieving!


Drighlington Primary School is committed to Safeguarding and we expect all staff, visitors and stakeholders to do the same. We have a safe, ongoing culture of vigilance and we maintain the attitude that 'it could happen here'. Safeguarding our pupils, ensuring their welfare, health and happiness is our number one priority.

Our brilliant, dedicated team of Designated Safeguarding Lead professionals are here to help and support all children and families. These staff members will take the lead with regard to safeguarding procedures. Ultimately all adults in school (staff and visitors) must watch for signs that there may be something happening in a child's life that is causing them stress, pain, anxiety or harm. However, it is the responsibility of the Designated Safeguarding Team to investigate any disclosures that are made whilst the children are in school and take the lead with any further actions that may be required. 

These members of staff are fully trained and will follow up on all issues that are brought to them in a timely fashion and in accordance with the child protection policy. They are trained to listen carefully and consider the best course of action based on the information they have. This team ensure that the staff have all of the training and support they need to ensure that safeguarding is a priority in the classroom. They also hold the links to many outside agencies who they can call upon to help and support - they will then work alongside these professionals to benefit the children.

It is our responsibility as a school in all cases to be an advocate for the children and we will be here to help and support throughout. We will check in with the children on a regular basis to build a trusting relationship so that they can come to us if they need to talk about anything. We will also support families in whatever CSWS may ask of us to support the process. We will attend all meetings and conferences, writing written reports as required - we will always provide the opportunity to share these with families before submitting them but changes may not be made.

We are not here to judge - CSWS are qualified to determine the future course of action - ours is a supportive role.

As a parent or carer it is never easy to hear the conversations we may have to have with you from time to time. However, we hope that you will understand that it is our duty to do this to ensure the children's safety and welfare at all times - it is our number one priority to ensure that the children are happy, health and safe.


Safeguarding Information

All of our Safeguarding Procedures are in accordance with those of the Education Safeguarding Team and the Local Safeguarding Board in Leeds, who in turn, follow the required Government Guidance. Our Policy and Procedures refer to locally agreed, multi-agency safeguarding arrangements.

Statutory guidance Working Together to Safeguard Children states that schools and further education institutions, including academies and independent schools, should have in place a number of arrangements as part of their duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. This includes measures that deter actions that can lead to safeguarding concerns. In our school these arrangements include:

  • a culture of observing and listening to children, taking onto account their wishes and feelings
  • statutory safer recruitment practices
  • appropriate training, supervision and support for staff
  • the implementation and regular review of of a range of clear policies 
  • action to support whole school and target groups
  • action to prevent recurrence of behaviours or risks identified 
  • key messages to all stakeholders

We frequently tell children that the most important work of the school is "keeping everyone safe and happy". This concept underpins all that we do and all that we believe in. Children know that there is a strong focus on keeping them safe, and that they play a role in making sure this happens. We have appropriate polices that are embedded in practice. All staff have at Child Protection Training at least every three years. Our named Child Protection Officers update their training as required and meet regularly to discuss school context and on-going concerns. We have strong partnerships with a wide range of agencies and this supports the safeguarding work of the school.

Section 175 of the Education Act 2002 requires local authorities and the Governing Bodies of maintained schools to make arrangements to ensure that their functions are carried out with a view to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children. Governors and staff at Drighlington Primary School take this role seriously. Staff training and policies are kept updated and there are named Child Protection Officers in school. We work with a range of agencies who support and advise us. We believe that parent partnership is key to our success. The following documents may be useful to families who have concerns about the well being of children.

Click here for guidance on Keeping Children Safe in Education

Click here for our Whistleblowing Policy

Click here for guidance on Working Together to Safeguard Children

Click here for guidance about the Child Line Report Remove tool, whereby children, young people and adults can report nude images of them that are circulating social media and ensure they are taken down.