Drighlington Primary School, Moorland Road, Drighlington, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD11 1JY

0113 2853000

Drighlington Primary School

Nurturing, supporting, believing, achieving!

Personal, Social and Health Education

Our Curriculum Plans

Our RSE Policy

Our PSHE Policy

PSHE Long Term Plan


PSHE education does not exist in isolation. It is part of a whole school approach where we provide children with the life-long skills and knowledge to develop healthy and happy lives. Our curriculum provides a range of opportunities for children to explore a wide range of social, moral, cultural and behavioural issues. We provide a range of opportunities for children to develop themselves in a well-balanced way beyond the academic and to move through childhood with support and guidance to encourage both an awareness of others and the growth of responsible independence. Through this, children can develop the confidence, talents and skills, to become effective individuals, motivated learners and active citizens. We seek to prepare them for the future by encouraging the development of characteristics for life such as a love of learning, resilience, integrity, team work, critical thinking and independence. Our vision is to prepare them for life including the world of work and support them in developing enterprise skills and financial awareness.

“Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world” (John Dewey, Education Reformer).

Our Y5 children shared a 'Madhatter's Tea Party' with some of the residents from Owlette Hall.

Some of our Y5 children shared a 'Madhatter's Tea Party' with some of the residents from Owlette Hall.

We love our community!




We recognise that children of Drighlington will one day become adult members of the community. We aim to teach good values and an understanding of the contribution they can make in the future. Children are encouraged to make correct choices through the use of interactive videos. The 1Decision scheme explores key themes such as cooperation, supporting one another and how to intervene when others need help. Through the use of a real-life contextualised video, children are encouraged to make the right choices but also explore what happens when things go wrong. 

Through the teaching of an extensive and carefully planned curriculum, they develop an awareness of a healthy, happy and prosperous lifestyle.

Health education is part of the curriculum and includes family life education, safety, substance use and misuses, healthy living and sex education. 


Online safety posters from our Internet Safety Day. 


We understand the importance of staying safe online at Drighlington Primary School.


Local community Police liaison officers, our school nurse and other agencies play an important part in informing pupils about health and safety issues. The school nurse visits regularly to check eyes, height and weight and the audiologist, dentist and school doctor also do health checks. We also work closely with other specialists such as those in Social Care, Speech Therapy and Educational psychology.

Sex education (relevant to children's age) is taught as part of the children’s Relationships and Sex Education (RSE).  We believe we should answer children’s questions carefully, being aware of their conceptual development. Children’s questions are dealt with honestly and sensitively within the context of a safe school setting and loving and family relationships. We understand that some parents find the topic of RSE difficult and as such we work closely with parents who are worried, ensuring that they understand the content and coverage, before they consider removing their child from RSE lessons. Sex education is also covered as part of the science curriculum.


An example of work completed about positive and happy relationships. 

We teach relationship education throughout school to promote and maintain healthy and positive relationships for our children now and throughout their lives. 

Although British Values are not taught as discrete lessons, the relevant skills are taught throughout PSHE as well as the wider curriculum. Pupils select a School Council to lead various projects throughout the year, linked to raising the profile of these aspects of learning.  We have a strong focus on providing the children with firm foundations that they can build upon in their future. In Early Years, we use Key Worker Groups  in class as a means to discuss current themes and issues. Throughout the rest of school, this is done through 'Whole Class Talk' and 'Circle Time'. Through this, children are taught how to seek their own resolutions to problems and issues. We also explore themes related to PSHE in our daily whole school assemblies. On Wednesday's, we share Picture News of the week which explores current news headlines in a child friendly manner. Through this, we look at British Values and Protected Characteristics in real life contexts.

Drighlington Primary School

School Council

Our school council have a valued voice at Drighlington Primary and are an active part in making decisions about our school. 

Our School Council and Anti-Bullying Ambassadors enjoy working closely together to ensure our school is a safe and happy environment for all.


By the end of Key Stage Two, all children are fully immersed and understand the importance of PSHE and British Values and the effects it can have on life in and out of school. By teaching pupils to stay safe and healthy, and by building self-esteem, resilience and empathy, our PSHE curriculum enables staff to tackle barriers to learning and raise aspirations for our pupils.  Children develop their understanding that at school, and in the wider community, we take turns to speak, we use kind and positive words, we listen to each other in a supportive manner, we have the right to comment thoughtfully or to choose not comment and we respect each other. In doing so, all children develop an understanding about relationships, including the values of positive interaction and the consequences of negative behaviour, such as bullying. As a result, our children leave school as well-rounded young people who are on the right track to become active and positive role models and citizens of the future.


'Be Yourself, Be Different! Be the best YOU possible!'

We teach our children that everyone is unique and everyone is special. 

We promote positive attitudes towards being your true self. 

How you can help your child at home

Partnerships with parents and carers is an important part of Drighlington Primary School.  Working closely with parents enables us to ensure parents feel confident that their child is safe, well looked and is receiving a high quality education during their school hours.  The links below offer a range of resources that may also be useful to families.

Our Relationships and Health Education summary leaflet

Kidsmart, learn about the internet and being a SMART surfer; plus lots of good sites for children.

Places to visit 

Eureka, National Children's Museum, Halifax https://www.eureka.org.uk/

Further support and useful weblinks

Early Years Development Matters

Birth to 5 Matters


CBBC's stay safe on line.Test your internet safety knowledge with Hacker, listen to some Stay Safe songs with Helen Skelton, News Kids On the Block and Bobby Lockwood and get some tips from the Horrible Histories gang.

Well-Being Resources - Resources to aid positive mental and physical well-being.

Safety Net Kids, all things to do with keeping safe.

E-Safety, Tablets and Apps, tips and links to child friendly apps.

Anti-bullying network, links to many sites to support anti-bullying.

Stop bullying,  Child-friendly, US site with tools to learn about bullying and how to prevent it.