Drighlington Primary School, Moorland Road, Drighlington, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD11 1JY

0113 2853000

Drighlington Primary School

Nurturing, supporting, believing, achieving!

Sun Safety

We want our staff and pupils to enjoy the sun safely and we aim to provide an environment that enables pupils and staff to find areas where they can avoid the sun. We believe that sun safety is important to ensure that pupils and staff are protected from skin damage caused by the harmful ultraviolet rays in sunlight.  We will work with staff, pupils and parents/carers to achieve this. 

At Drighlington Primary School we will ensure that:

  • All pupils learn about sun safety and protecting their skin through curriculum opportunities at least once a year (use of ‘SunSmart’ website resources). Click here for the link to SunSmart schools & early childhood
  • We talk about how to be ‘SunSmart’ in assemblies and in classrooms.
  • Pupils are told to about the importance of drinking more water when it is hot and will be encouraged to bring water to school.
  • We regularly remind pupils, staff and parents/carers about sun safety through newsletters and letters regarding outdoor activities for pupils.
  • Staff encourage pupils to use shady areas of the school and its grounds when they are outdoors.
  • If the sun is too hot PE lessons or any outdoor lessons will be held indoors.


In the warm weather we will encourage children to wear appropriate clothing

  • We will actively encourage all pupils to wear a sunhats/sunglasses when they are outside.
  • Pupils will wear t-shirts during PE or outdoor lessons to cover up their shoulders.
  • Parents/carers will be asked to ensure their children wear appropriate cover clothing during sunny periods


Systems for use of sunscreen in school

  • Parents/carers will be asked to apply all day sunscreen to their children before they come to school.
  • We will not hold a stock of sunscreen in the school.
  • Should they choose to do so, parents/carers will be asked to sign a form giving permission for their children to bring to school their own sunscreen to school and apply it themselves.
  • The sun cream must be labelled with the pupil’s name and kept in boxes by the class teacher.
  • The pupils will be encouraged to apply sunscreen themselves before playtimes and lunchtimes.
  • Pupils in Early Years and KS1 may be supervised with the application of their sunscreen, as agreed with parents/carers.