Drighlington Primary School, Moorland Road, Drighlington, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD11 1JY

0113 2853000

Drighlington Primary School

Nurturing, supporting, believing, achieving!

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Quick update

10 May 2021 (by admin)

Parents' Evenings, Annual Reports and Special Events

Parent's Evenings

We are hoping to arrange face to face meetings in July. Today we received notification from Leeds City Council that plans cannot be set in stone until we get further Government advice. As soon as we get this information we will plan the dates. If we are not allowed to do face to face meetings our teachers will arrange telephone calls.

Annual Reports

This year we have slightly changed the format and we would like to explain how the reports will be written:

  • reports will start with a very personal message about your child, their strengths, interests and general comments including friendships and behaviour
  • you will still get information about your child's levels in key subjects, and a simple traffic light system to report all other subjects
  • reports will not include attendance as partial lockdown makes comparisons unfair

As usual, we feel it is important to report year-end levels to you honestly and accurately. In lessons, we started the year with some catch up on what was missed last Summer which means that, like other schools, we have not been able to teach the whole curriculum for this year. Teachers will use tests to get a clear picture of what children know and understand at the end of the year. Please be aware that, for many children, levels may seem to dip because tests will include a few things the children have not yet been taught in class. In early years, the teachers will use ongoing assessments to inform year end levels as the children are too young to take tests.

We have done all that we can to fast track learning for all children and will keep doing so. Our staff team remain dedicated and keen to promote the best learning for every child. We are thankful for the support given by families, especially during partial lockdown and will share new targets so that you can help your child at home.

Sports Days

As above, we do not yet know if these will be allowed, or even if they will be activities we feel we can do safely. We will keep you informed.

British Values

Much is being talked about in school to promote an understanding of British Values. We invite all children to come into school wearing red, white and blue on Friday 21st May to share our celebration day. We are not asking for money; there will be some activities in class. Look out for pictures on ClassDojo.


This will take place on Friday 14th May and we encourage all children to bring a favourite book and wear pyjamas or comfy lounge clothes. As above, we are not asking for money, this day is simply planned to promote the love of reading and there should be no extra work for families.